About walls | OPRIME

About walls

Walls play an essential role in defining and dividing spaces. In this design, each terrace is separated by walls to ensure privacy for its users. The pool area, on the other hand, is designed with low walls, which set it apart. This approach not only creates a subtle boundary but also enhances the visual openness of the pool space.

The height of walls significantly influences user experience by shaping the balance between privacy, openness, and the overall ambiance. High walls provide a heightened sense of privacy and security, making them ideal for spaces like terraces where users value solitude. However, they can also create a more enclosed and confined atmosphere, potentially limiting access to natural light and outward views.

In contrast, low walls offer a middle ground between separation and connectivity. They define the boundaries of a space while allowing visual interaction with the surroundings. For example, in the pool area, low walls maintain privacy without obstructing the view, fostering a sense of openness and relaxation.

Ultimately, the choice of wall height should reflect the intended use of the space and the desired balance between privacy and openness. This decision shapes how users perceive and interact with the environment, influencing both functionality and atmosphere.

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